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Evolutionary Healing
Spiritual Guidance & Development

There must be a practical, tangible benefit for those who come to me seeking help. As a spiritually connected but also rational and grounded person this is my great strength, in that I am able to employ very advanced tools to work at any level of problem - from the seemingly mundane, such as relationship or work based issues at one end, to precise energy system repair work or complex clearance work at the other. All are undertaken with the view to a true lasting resolution of the problem, enabling the person to grow and blossom in the ways that they need and desire.

I offer a variety of approaches all geared towards the Evolution of the individual seeking help or Guidance.

Healing is undertaken to enable you to grow and to create a more rewarding life for yourself.

Guidance is given to enable you to see more clearly your own unique gifts and talents and how best to use and develop them in a way that enriches your own life and those that you interact with. It is given to enable you to see why you are here and what you are seeking to achieve and also what challenges you are seeking to overcome with this, your current life.

Specialist in Connecting the hearts of others into higher light.        

One to One Consultations Available internationally via phone & Skype.

Spiritual Development Groups

Regular fortnightly Gatherings offering meditation, personal development guidance and support in an inspiring atmosphere of deep spiritual uplift.

As an experienced Spiritual Teacher and Carrier of Light, who has faced and overcome many extraordinary challenges on my own life path, I am well placed to help all those who come to me seeking help and Guidance. I am a Channel as well as a Carrier of a uniquely Evolutionary Light that will always seek to develop your own deeper consciousness and place you in a position of self empowerment, free to create the life that you want and need for yourself.


I offer one to one Spiritual Guidance via phone or Skype consultations as well as group work. I am a Lightworker and Healer but I am also much more than that, for I have the ability and the necessary tools to bring light and energy into your subtle energy system in such a way as to dissolve the inner darkness and to stimulate your own inner Light. As the Principle of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment - a position I earned through hard work, commitment and merit - I work at a very high level. I am acutely conscious that for spiritual intervention work to have any real meaning, it needs to be able to go far beyond the great sounding concepts.


My own experiences on the Path have been far from easy and this has left with me with a profound understanding of the challenges we all face and I have a vast amount of compassion for those truly seeking a way out of their own difficulties. 

"Tim is a true spiritual teacher in that he is able to see and define the problems and limitations that you have, and he will work tirelessly until you have addressed them.  He is not someone who will flatter you or give you an easy ride or overlook the subtle ways in which you continue to sabotage yourself, even after years of work.  For me, this has been very welcome as there have been few people who could find the way to get past my brilliantly clever defences! He has been immensely patient with me when I have stubbornly resisted his help and tried to push him away, and in spite of many difficulties, has persisted with me.  Tim is very committed to his clients, and really takes time to understand them and what it is that their life is teaching them."

Alyss Thomas, Psychotherapist & Emerald Heart Student, Plymouth

"I cannot speak highly enough of Tim's work and his integrity. When I first came to him I needed a lot of healing as I struggled with powerful emotions from my past that manifested themselves in persistent emotional and physical difficulties that years of various therapies had helped but not resolved. I was still self-sabotaging, had huge resistance to change, was in denial of who I really was and spent long periods going round in circles thinking I was making progress when I wasn't really changing at all. I have learned so much about myself through working with Tim. Step by step I have moved forward and grown. I have gradually learned to appreciate myself and my capabilities and I know with absolute certainty that my life is getting back on track now. Tim's wisdom, skill, honesty, integrity, when combined with the Emerald Heart Light, becomes a very powerful energy for change and evolution. His depth of experience has guided me from a place of darkness and denial and onto my life path for which I will be forever grateful. He has been loving and supportive when I needed it and strong enough to  show me what I need to see within myself when that was required. Thank you Tim."

Phil Grant, Therapist & Emerald Heart Practitioner, West Sussex

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